God’s Not Dead


Good Day, Beautiful People!
I recently went to see the movie God’s not dead. God’s Not Dead is a 2014 Christian drama film directed by Harold Cronk, and stars Kevin Sorbo, Shane Harper, David A. R. White and Dean Cain. The film was released to theaters on March 21, 2014, by Pure Flix Entertainment. I know in the States it was released early 2014. In the South, we just have that showing on the big screen. Forget about all the aweful reviews critics give for this movie. Any good christian’s movie will be hated by the world critics full stop! Show me one world critic that mention any good review for any christian’s movie. That itself will be a miracle. Just do yourself a favour, go and watch with your loved ones, family and friends. If you’re brave enough to invite unbelievers for this movie. Get the dvd, if you miss it. On the whole, this is a light, clean, fun, drama, feel good movie with no violence, no sexual references, no foul language and not much offensive behaviour.

Love the plot, the debates between the professor and the first year freshman. How brave is the muslim girl that stand up for her new faith, being thrown out of her home and disowned by her father. Of course, the Duck Dynasty fans will be happy to see them. I was informed they’re great, down to earth and successful reality show in US. One of my favourite moment is the feature Newsboys’ concert and the theme song, God’s not dead. I’m not going to give away the plot too much in case you have not see the movie yet. The reality of life is full of up and down, it is not bias. It does not care if you are a believer or atheist. You can choose to face challenges by yourself or believe there is a God out there to watch over you when you are thown into situation bigger than you can handle.

At last I found one fair and good review of this movie.
Well, if you’re atheist, happen to stumble on this blog, have some respect, simply move on and have a nice life. I’m not interested in your opinions or start a debate with you.

Honestly, love to hear from you, my followers, if you’ve seen this movie. Give me some feedback.
Below is the movie trailer:




I’ll leave you with this song by Newsboys:

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Mon Ange
All rights reserved.
NB: Photos from Pinterest.

5 thoughts on “God’s Not Dead

  1. I stumbled upon your blog and I truly admire it as well as your passion for Christ! I haven’t saw the movie but the trailer speaks volumes and as I’m getting ready to embark in Biblical Studies and Ministry so that I can enhance my Biblical Knowledge and grow in Christ to get a better understanding so I can encourage others through the word of God while speaking confidently in Christ. Therefore, I must catch this movie… I’m not sure if it’s still in the theaters but I’ll have to purchase it on DVD! ~Thanks for sharing!

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