Happy Birthday Jesus! Love Santa Baby xoxo

Good Day, Beautiful People!

I don’t know who is the original writer of this beautiful message but thank you. I love it! Sharing this with my friends here.

My dear precious Jesus, I did not mean to take your place,

I only bring toys and things and you bring love and grace.

People give me lists of wishes and hope that they came true;

But you hear prayers of the heart and promise your will to do.

Children try to be good and not to cry when I am coming to town;

But you love them unconditionally and that love will abound.

I leave only a bag of toys and temporary joy for a season;

But you leave a heart of love, full of purpose and reasons.

I have a lot of believers and what one might call fame;

But I never healed the blind or tried to help the lame.

I have rosy cheeks and a voice full of laughter;

But no nail—scarred hands or a promise of the hereafter.

You may find several of me in town or at a mall;

But there is only one omnipotent you, to answer a sinner’s call.

And so, my dear precious Jesus, I kneel here to pray;

To worship and adore you on this, your holy birthday.


My prayer for you:


My Blessings for you:
May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with joy and peace. & The light of the Christmas star to you – The warmth of home and hearth to you – The cheer and good will of friends to you – The hope of a childlike heart to you – The joy of a thousand angels to you – The love of the Son and God’s peace to you. With Christmas love and New Year’s wishes! 

My gift to you. Enjoy my fav Christmas Song:

My favourite live musical to you! Enjoy!

My Christmas Eve Service to bless you!

My Christmas Day Service to bestow goodness & peace to you!



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Peak or Pit still Thankful 


Good Day, Beautiful People.

“Many times the deepest disappointments yield the most beautiful fruit in our lives.

In the later years of life, George lost all his money, his health faded, his right side became paralyzed and his creditors were threatening him with imprisonment for not paying his debts. He had no place to go, no one to really help him, but God. Placing all his trust in God alone, George decided to go into seclusion and spend time in meditation and prayer. Out of this time alone with God he was changed, His eyes opened and he saw such glory. Out of his difficulty he composed perhaps one of the greatest works of music ever…THE MESSIAH. His name – George Frederick Handel.

Don’t give up, your music will return and your life will come into that perfect place God has for you. What God does in secret will bless many openly.” – Passion Translation sharing. 

Christmas is drawing near. We are all so busy with so many festival activities and parties around this time of the year.  I hope in our busyness, we don’t forget the real meaning and Spirit of Christmas. 

Every year, I host a business & working sisters thanksgiving and Christmas party.  I will encourage them to share something they are thankful for the year.

Like my pastor claimed in the beginning of 2015 “You crown the year with Your goodness.” –Ps 65:11.  

Regardless 2015 is your peak or pit, you’re breathing and moving you have something to be thankful for. Be like the one out of ten that Jesus healed, came back and thank Him! Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?  Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” – Lk17:17-19  Let’s us give honour and appreciation when honour is due. “Do you owe respect? Then give it. Do you owe honour? Then show it.”- Rom13:7

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Ps100:4

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. 1Chron16:34 

Some of the sisters are thankful for a good year. Others are thankful that they are still here and standing even though it is a challenging & dramatic year! We are all grateful that God is with us in the pit and peak! There are plenty of laughter and a few teary eyes. This year each one receive a scented candle. The symbolic reason of a candlelight is a reminder they are the light in the world of darkness. So remember to shine for Jesus.

“I hear His whisper… “VICTORY!”

You are going to make it. You will arise in victory, no matter how it may look to you at this moment. Is it not true that every impossibility yields to My power? All I am will be placed between you and your enemies. You will arise as the mighty one that I have created you to be! Nothing will be able to overcome you, for faith will grow and your love will intensify toward Me. 

Never doubt My power, My grace, My surprising breakthrough on your behalf. Before this week is over you will see My glory shine through the clouds of darkness. You will see your enemies shrink back before you as you move out with My Name and My victory. Watch what I will do before this year is over. Your will jump out into 2016 with the songs of victory!” – Passion Translation 





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Give Thanks [Donnez-Merci, Da gracias]


Good Day, Beautiful People!

Belated Happy Thanksgiving to all my American Friends! Is one Holiday that I adopted on heart and practise for a long time. It is awesome to put aside one day in a year to sit with loved ones to celebrate and be thankful for the harvest and grateful for the year. 

I’m overjoyed and thankful 2015 is my very first American Thanksgiving!  I was invited a few time to attend in the previous years but only able to attend this year! My friend, Holly host a big fundraiser Thanksgiving Party to feed some college students and friends donate for money to her missionaries friends. Each year the size of the party grow. This year we have 100 people attended. 

Together, We gooble up four turkeys, two serving plates of cornbread, mash, sweet potatoes pies, apple pies, pecan pies, pumpkin pies, ice cream, banana pudding, jello, and candies. She and her hubby had spent two days cooking up a storm on a very scorching summer day in Oz. I think she really the queen of hospitality and deserve an award for that. She has to hire all the party gears to fit all her guests in her huge backyard.

The photo above is just the deserts table. I forgot to take a photo of the main table food.

 I leave you with these pearl of wisdom:  


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