Harry Lee Kuan Yew (LKY), Legendary Founding Father of Singapore [16 September 1923 – 23 March 2015]

Good Day, Beautiful People!

My heart is heavy and deeply saddened upon receiving early morning text messages streaming in from Singapore. Today is a very sad day for the Nation of Singapore! Many Singaporeans are mourning for the passing of Founding Father of Singapore, the first Prime Minister, (Minister Mentor) MM Lee Kuan Yew (LKY).

People may have to agree to disagree with something you said, the hard decisions you contrived at the given circumstances and some policies you made. Amazingly, your shoulders were broad enough to take the public criticism. Like your lifelong friend, Henry Kissinger said ” He was not at all a charmer. He was not a flatterer. He had developed his point of view. He would present it with great intelligence and eloquence – not in order to get you to do something specific, but to understand the nature of the world in which you were living.”

No matter what is your view about this man, it is undeniable fact that MM LKY was a Visionary, Hero, rare influential Statesman, Strategist, Economic Pragmatist, Entrepreneur and Legendary Giant in the Political World and Architect of modern Singapore. Without MM LKY, the tiny red dot in the world map, a little sleepy Island Temasek, will not be the Modern Singapore that the world has known. He has sacrificed his life to build Singapore from a third world to a first world country surrounded by the third world countries. His profound wisdom and leadership has made Singapore a stable, peaceful, progressive and prosperous country. May Singapore continue to be the country of a meritocratic government and a fair education system with equal opportunities for all, affordable housing, high productivity, high efficiency, low crimes, low corruptions, a great business hub and financial powerhouse.


MM Lee Kuan Yew Famous Quotes:


If you want to reach your goals and dreams, you cannot do it without discipline.

I am nobody’s stooge. I am not here to play somebody else’s game. I have a few million people’s lives to account for.

You lose nothing by being polite. The answer is ‘No’, but please say it politely and give the reasons… Explain to me why ‘No’. Don’t change ‘No’ to ‘Yes’. Don’t be a fool. If there was a good reason why it is ‘No’, it must remain ‘No’, but the man must be told politely.”

At the end of the day, decisions have got to be made by adults, not teenagers, but it has got to be made in such a way that when the teenagers become adults, and they look back on these decisions, they will be proud of the generation that went before them.

I have believed in Malaysian merger and the unity of these two territories. You know they are people connected by geography, economics, and ties of kinship — would you mind that we stop for a while…

Every person, genius or moron, has a right to reproduce himself.

I wish I can meet my wife in the hereafter, but I don’t think I will. I just cease to exist just as she has ceased to exist.

I don’t believe in love at first sight. I think it’s a grave mistake. You’re attracted by physical characteristics and you will regret it.

You either have the Western view – you marry the woman you love, or the Eastern view – you love the woman you marry. Well, I tried to match both, and I think it wasn’t a bad choice.

Whoever governs Singapore must have that iron in him. Or give it up. This is not a game of cards.

I do not yet know of a man who became a leader as a result of having undergone a leadership course.

I always tried to be correct, not politically correct.

To be successful in a profession or in business, to become wealthy cannot be compared to making the lives of your fellow men better. This can bring immerse satisfaction.

What I fear is complacency. When things always become better, people tend to want more for less work.

If Singapore is a nanny state, then I am proud to have fostered one.

I have been accused of many things in my life, but not even my worst enemy has ever accused me of being afraid to speak my mind.

I make no apologies that the PAP is the Government and the Government is the PAP.

One man one vote is a most difficult form of government… Results can be erratic.

I was a product of the times, the war, the occupation, the reoccupation, my 4 years in Britain, admiring but at the same time questioning whether they are able to do a better job than we can.

Even from my sick bed, even if you are going to lower me into the grave and I feel something is going wrong, I will get up.

Singaporeans, if I can chose an analogy, we are the hard disk of a computer, the foreign talent are the megabytes you add to your storage capacity. So your computer never hangs because you got enormous storage capacity.

Political reform need not go hand in hand with economic liberalisation. I do not believe that if you are libertarian, full of diverse opinions, full of competing ideas in the market place, full of sound and fury, therefore you will succeed.

I ignore polling as a method of government. I think that shows a certain weakness of mind – an inability to chart a course whichever way the wind blows, whichever way the media encourages the people to go, you follow.

With few exceptions, democracy has not brought good government to new developing countries…What Asians value may not necessarily be what Americans or Europeans value. Westerners value the freedoms and liberties of the individual.
Freedom of the press, freedom of the news media, must be subordinated to the overriding needs of the integrity of Singapore, and to the primacy of purpose of an elected government.

I started off believing all men were equal. I now know that’s the most unlikely thing ever to have been…

Repression can only go up to a point. When it becomes too acute, the instruments of repression, namely the army and the police, have been proved time and time again in history to have turned their guns on their masters.

I have no regrets. I have spent my life, so much of it building up this country. There’s nothing more that I need to do. At the end of the day, what have I got? A SUCCESSFUL SINGAPORE. What have I given up? MY LIFE.

“When you were born you were crying and everyone else was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you’re the one who is smiling and everyone else is crying.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson. My thoughts and prayers for PM Lee Hsien Loong and his family find peace, comfort and strength during this difficult time. Praying for peace and blessings over the nation of Singapore. Good night, Sir or to the locals known as “Ah Gong”! Rest in peace with Mrs Lee. The world will never have another Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore is forever indebted to you.

My most fondest and treasured memories, were listening to my late Dad and late maternal Grandpa telling me your stories and past Singapore stories. What touches me the most is that Mr Lee was your faithfulness, your incredible love for your beloved wife, a good father and a loving family man who took care of your loved ones.

In honesty and truthfulness, Sir, you had lived the great American’s ethos, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country” -Kahlil Gibran. These words were made famous by United States President John F. Kennedy in his 1961 inauguration speech. Because of you, Sir, I am proud of my heritage even though I don’t live in Singapore now, it is still my second home. Singaporeans who travel and live in overseas will tend to agree that the locals are really spoilt by the fruits of your labour. Thank you for teaching us to dream big even everything around you look bleak. With vision afloat, an intelligent and loyal team of people, determination, focus, diligence, sweat and tears, success is attainable. Your legacy will live on.

MM Lee Kuan Yew’s Biographies and Books of Singapore Journey for avid readers and those who are interested in politics, economy, his intellectual wisdom and philosophy:

◾From Third World to First: The Singapore Story

◾From Third World to First: The Singapore Story: Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew, Vol. 2

◾The Wit and Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew

◾The Singapore Story: Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew

◾Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going

◾My Lifelong Challenge Singapore’s Bilingual Journey

Everyone know you’re either really great or really bad to appear in the front page of most of the key international newspapers and TV news worldwide. Reading amazing tributes across the globe, tears are unavoidable.

Online Tributes by world leaders:


Online Tributes by sphrazor Part 1 & 2:

Special Song by Dominic Chin: You first believed (original) – Thank you Mr Lee

Special Song from China: Little Red Dot – Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew

Eulogy by Henry Kissinger:

Below is the link for your Online tributes:

Singaporeans Tributes:

News Links:


Live Blog:

BBC News Link:

Time Magazine Link:

State Funeral Service:



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Photos from Pinterest.

Happy International Women’s Day

Good Day, Beautiful People!

8th March every year is time to celebrate International Women’s Day worldwide! The essence of the commemoration of occasion ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation, and love towards girls and women to a celebration for women’s economic, political, and social achievements.

Well, the political and human rights subject matter designated by the United Nations. It directs and conducts active, healthy, powerful, and political and social awareness of the struggles of women across the globe are accessed and investigated in a hopeful manner. Some folks celebrate the day by wearing purple ribbons.

So thankful to all the beautiful, amazing, strong and resilient women in my life. My late grandma, my mom, all the women in my family and extended family, my friends and my mentors. By looking at their lives, give me something to look up to and to build more and want more out of my life. I am grateful that I am living in a country that believe in women’s rights, equality and women’s freedom. Like Oprah said “Here’s to more achievements, equality and realization of our dreams.”

At the same time, I am also praying and believing for the girls and women who are being oppressed in certain countries in the world will enjoy the freedom, human rights and equality in the near future. Basically, those countries that oppressed women and children are not flourishing and unstable.

Truly, woman is created to be the man’s helper, partner in life and his equal. Clearly, it is written in the bible, woman is made from his rib of his equal, not from his head to control him, not from his feet to feel inferior to him.
“God put the Man into a deep sleep. As he slept he removed one of his ribs and replaced it with flesh. God then used the rib that he had taken from the Man to make Woman and presented her to the Man.” Gen2:22 

Well, this is an excellent model we can be inspired to be. Honestly speaking, most of us will consider this is a tall order to follow. I am pretty certain I will not be doing all that especially the knitting, sewing and making my own clothes. Of course, there are women that are given such talents to sew and knit. Some are given green thumbs to grow plants and flowers in their gardens. We may not have all these talents but all of us are given something unique that we are good at. So stop comparing your talents and your life with others. Be you and that is enough. Celebrate the beautiful, authentic and exclusive you. Collectively, we cheer and applaud all our achievements.
A good woman is hard to find,
and worth far more than diamonds.
Her husband trusts her without reserve,
and never has reason to regret it.
Never spiteful, she treats him generously
all her life long.
She shops around for the best yarns and cottons,
and enjoys knitting and sewing.
She’s like a trading ship that sails to faraway places
and brings back exotic surprises.
She’s up before dawn, preparing breakfast
for her family and organizing her day.
She looks over a field and buys it,
then, with money she’s put aside, plants a garden.
First thing in the morning, she dresses for work,
rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started.
She senses the worth of her work,
is in no hurry to call it quits for the day.
She’s skilled in the crafts of home and hearth,
diligent in homemaking.
She’s quick to assist anyone in need,
reaches out to help the poor.
She doesn’t worry about her family when it snows;
their winter clothes are all mended and ready to wear.
She makes her own clothing,
and dresses in colourful linens and silks.
Her husband is greatly respected
when he deliberates with the city fathers.
She designs gowns and sells them,
brings the sweaters she knits to the dress shops.
Her clothes are well-made and elegant,
and she always faces tomorrow with a smile.
When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say,
and she always says it kindly.
She keeps an eye on everyone in her household,
and keeps them all busy and productive.
Her children respect and bless her;
her husband joins in with words of praise:
“Many women have done wonderful things,
but you’ve outclassed them all!”
Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.
The woman to be admired and praised
is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God.
Give her everything she deserves!
Festoon her life with praises! -Proverb 31:10-31

Below are quotes that are encouraging for you or the girls and women in your world:


Links for further reading:

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Photos from Pinterest.

You’re Blessed!


Good Day, Beautiful People.

Most of us believers are familiar with Beatitudes. We have something that the world is lacked and no one can take that away from you regardless your circumstances. I have been reading and meditating on this passage for sometime. My world changer friend was sharing the message version with my amazing group of business and working sisters fortnight ago. I simply love this modern day message version. Especially, if you are a newbie believer, this is a good version to start. As some of you may find it difficult to understand some old and ancient English versions. This just brings you to a better appreciation as you read this over and over again slowly. Soak in the word and you will sense His peace upon you.


You’re blessed in St Matthew
5 1-2 When Jesus saw his ministry drawing huge crowds, he climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving at a quiet place, he sat down and taught his climbing companions. This is what he said:

3 “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.

4 “You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.

5 “You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.

6 “You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat.

7 “You’re blessed when you care. At the moment of being ‘care-full,’ you find yourselves cared for.

8 “You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.

9 “You’re blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That’s when you discover who you really are, and your place in God’s family.

10 “You’re blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God’s kingdom.

11-12 “Not only that—count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don’t like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble.

Ask yourself which of the Beatitudes speak to you the most.
Challenge yourself what you like to see happening this year. Believe for that miracle to become flesh this year.


Some of us can definitely relate to this:


The Beatitudes Song
Blessed are the poorest ones
For heaven comes to where they are in You
In You
Blessed are the ones who mourn
For comfort comes to find them all in You
In You

Those who seek will be made right
They will be filled and lifted high in You
In You
Blessed are the merciful
For mercy will be shown to them by You
By You

O blessed are the ones who call Your name
And blessed are the ones You save
O You bless the pure in heart
We will see our God, we will see our God

Those who long for making peace
They will be called the children of our God
Of our God
Blessed are the meek
For they receive the earth
And all that’s found in You
In You

O blessed are the ones who call Your name
And blessed are the ones You save
O You bless the pure in heart
We will see our God, we will see our God

If just to know You
If just to love You
What more can I ask for
What more can I ask for

If just to know You
If just to love You
What more can I ask for
What more can I ask for

O blessed are the ones who call Your name
And blessed are the ones You save
O You bless the pure in heart
We will see our God, we will see our God
We will see our God, we will see our God

Persecuted we will stand
For our reward is heaven here and now
And still to come

Link for The Beatitudes Song:

Let me end this with the Aaronic Blessing prayer over you.
May the Lord BLESS and PROTECT you;
May the Lord’s face radiate with JOY because of you;
May he be GRACIOUS to you,
Show you His FAVOUR, and give you His PEACE.

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Photos from Pinterest.