My Latest Award: Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Wow! I’m so humbled and honoured to be nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by that is now moved to Thank you, Beautiful! Visit her, you will find her postings inspiring, informative, refreshing and encouraging. Love the fact that she gives a voice to the voiceless.

The rules are as following:
1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.

2. List the rules and display the award.

3. Share 7 facts about you.

4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know that they have been nominated.

5. Optional: Display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

7 Facts about me:
1. Love Jesus. Not into religion, have a relationship with my Creator (God).

2. Fond of roaming around art galleries. Adore the great old master artists masterpieces.

3. I am also a bit of “photoholic” and “chocoholic”.

4. Enjoy good company with good music, wine and slow food. Love organic food and healthy goodies.

5. Love People. Enjoy people of different culture. Passionate to speak life into someone situation. It delights me to connect people to their heart destiny or their purpose in life.

6. I am passionate about my day job as a manager.

7. I am also an emerging fine art painter, aka closet painter stepping out.

15 blogs I’m nominating for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award:

The reasons I chose this blogs because I love real, encouraging, stimulating, stirring, uplifting and inspirational writing. Hope you enjoy visiting their sites as much as I do. That completes the requirements! Thank you and congratulations to the Nominees!


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Mon Ange
All rights reserved.
NB: Photos from Pinterest.

“The Liebster Award” nomination.. Congratulations and Thank you all



As a new blogger “inspiring writer, poet”, I am honored to receive this nomination for “The Liebster Award” from Sarah’s writing is encouraging, insightful and poetic. From her personal story of her healthy lifestyle to her poetry. Thank you for reaching out to fellow writers who love what they do!

“The Liebster award is awarded to bloggers with under 200 followers to try to promote their blog and also bring together a community of bloggers. The rules of the competition are as follows:

The nominated user must provide a link back to the person who nominated them. Provide 11 facts about yourself , Answer 11 question set by the person who nominated you, Choose 11 more people and ask them 11 questions.

 11 facts about myself:

1. Love Jesus. Not into religion, have a relationship with my Creator (God).

2. Love People. Enjoy people of different culture. Passionate to speak life into someone situation. It delights me to connect people to their heart destiny or their purpose in life.

3. Love Life. Enjoy my life and live a full life whether is a good or challenging season.

4. Travel Bug. I would gladly live out of a suitcase, if it meant I could see the world!

5. I’m a booklover. I visit many books: novels, self-improvement, motivational, autobiography, fiction, leadership… but I camp in the living word, Bible.

6. Enjoy good company with good music, wine and slow food. Love organic food and healthy goodies.

7. Fond of roaming around art galleries. Adore the great old master artists masterpieces.

8. Love wandering and combing beaches of the world.

9. I am passionate about my day job as a manager.

10. My free time, I love let my creativity run wild. Writing, paintings, scrapbooking and create stuff.

11. I am also a bit of “photoholic” and “chocoholic”.

Thank you again Karen SK for nominating me and recognizing my writing and to the support of all of WordPress followers! Thank you again for this recognition!!!!

Questions from Karen:

1. If you were to go back in time and do something you never did what would it be?

If I can can be transported back in time by time machine, I’ll love be the one who pioneer the woman’s liberation movement.

2. Why do you choose to write?

There are many reasons I write. One to conquer my fear of writing. Love to share my passion and adventures with people.       Encourage and give hope to someone in my writing.

3. What is your biggest inspiration?

To live my best authentic life. I want to leave behind a great legacy. Someday, I remain as someone good memories.

4. What is your pet peeve?

The injustice of the world especially human trafficking.

5. If you were to be any character of a book or movie who would you be?

Gee this is so hard to pick… I would love to be wonderwoman. Kick those bad ass.

6. What is your best quality?


7. Do you ever get writers block and what do you do to overcome it?

Yes. Walk away, have a nice cup of tea, chill and drift away. Always come back fresh.

8. How has your writing affected your relationships?

Writing has made me a more opened person so my relationships has gone to another whole other level.

9. What is your biggest accomplishment?

Unsure what is consider biggest accomplishment, finished my basic degree in health Science, venture into different work and business.

10. What is your favorite movie?

Too many good movies, The Help, Lord of the Rings, 12 years a slave, Forrest Gump, The Lion King are some of my favourites. All time favourite has to be The Passion of the Christ.

11. If you could be anyone for a day who would it be and why?

Esther in the bible time, she was brave to stand in front of the King to petition for her people to be saved. She saved her race.

My nominations are:

Questions for the nominees:

1. What make you happy?

2. Where is your favourite place on earth?

3. How do you face the stormy season in life?

4. If you can be in someone shoes for a day, who will it be? Why?

5. If you can tell your younger self about something you learn now and wish you knew then, what will that be?

6.  What is your passion in life?

7. What is your favourite indulgence?

8. If today is the last day for you on earth, how do you like to spend it?

9. Imagine 10 years from now, where will you be and what you see yourself accomplishing?

10. What is the most valuable lesson you have learnt by far?

11. Imagine you won a lotto of $1million, what will you do with that money?

Instructions for the Nominees:

Set #1

1) Post a short Q&A about themselves

2) Answer the questions the tagger has asked

3) Create a new list of questions for their own nominees

4) Choose a list of their own nominees and notify them


1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.

2. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.

3. Copy & Paste the award to your blog.

4. Nominate 11 blogs to receive the award who have less than 200 followers.

5. Inform them of their nomination by leaving comment on their blog.

Set #3

1. Post the award on your blog.

2. Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.

3. Write 11 random facts about yourself.

4. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers.

5. Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions.

Thank you Lorraine Reguly for blogging the Official rules.